Keratopigmentation in Turkey: Change the color of your eyes
We are all seeking the perfect look that best suits us and makes us feel better about ourselves, and we hope to change many aspects of our bodies to achieve that.
One of the most difficult body part that we want to change is the eye; it's highly delicate, and the slightest mistake can lead to some very bad complications, so you would want to be careful with it, after all the eyes are the windows to your soul.
To achieve the eye appearance that people wanted, people where putting contact lenses to change the color of their eyes, changing eye color permanently was just a dream come true for people.
These lenses also pose a danger to the eye and sight, in addition to the abnormal nature of the artificial eye color. Today, with the advancement of science and technology, there are different ways to change eye color permanently. One of the safest methods is to change the eye color by staining or pigmentation of the cornea.
This is why keratopigmentation in Turkey is here to help you achieve that.
Keratopigmentation in Turkey is the safest way to both change the appearance of your eye and also fix any medical condition that your eyes have.
How much does keratopigmentation in Turkey cost?
Eye surgeries are some of the most highly delicate and prices medical and cosmetic procedures that exists, and keratopigmentation is no different.
So being that way it's easy to see why the surgery is a little expensive in places like the UK and US where the prices of medical and cosmetic surgeries is very high.
However, with Aram Clinic you can have keratopigmentation in Turkey at a price that can suit everyone's budget.
This is because keratopigmentation in Turkey comes with an all-inclusive package that covers your medical transportation, your hotel stay, your doctor's payment and the post operation medication.
With this it's easy to see why many people choose Aram Clinic as their best cosmetic clinic, so don't worry about the price; we invite you to have keratopigmentation in Turkey at the best price possible.

Where can i get keratopigmentation in Turkey?
Most of the cosmetic clinics in Turkey perform the operation, however none of them compare to the level of skillfulness, professionalism and price that Aram Clinic offers.
When deciding to have keratopigmentation in Turkey your best decision is choosing Aram Clinic, simply because of our esteemed reputation of having a highly advanced facility filled with cutting edge medical tools.
Aram Clinic is also known for it's highly professional staff that will not rest until achieving our patients desires and delivering the best results possible.
We invite you at Aram Clinic to have keratopigmentation in Turkey in the most safe, relaxing and professional way possible.
What is keratopigmentation?
Keratopigmentation or corneal pigmentation therapy (KTP) has a long history of being used in the treatment of patients with corneal opacity disease.
Clinical trials have also demonstrated the effectiveness of this method as a treatment option in patients who suffer from glare and loss of the iris of the eye, as well as in the case of atrophy.
Therefore, this procedure is considered as a treatment for various eye diseases, but doctors in our time have tried to develop this technique until it became the latest technique in changing the color of the eye.
keratopigmentation does not include any surgical procedure. There is no need to make an incision or open the eye, so there will be no bleeding or infection, retinal detachment and glaucoma that follows eye surgeries are also avoided.
So there will be no complications after the operation.
What happens during keratopigmentation procedure?
On the day of the operation you will be taken to the operations room, the doctor will perform a brief examination.
The surgeon will place numbing drops in your eyes, so you won't feel any pain.
Your head will be strapped into a harness to keep it still, and small a device will be positioned to hold your eyelid open and prevent blinking.
The operation is straightforward and painless, it basically consists of making a circular micro-tunnel in the cornea using a femtosecond laser.
After that the doctor will apply a color pigment of your choosing, thus covering your natural eye color.
The procedure is done under local anesthesia, however it doesn't take long usually from 1 to 2 hours.
Keratopigmentation does not effect the internal structure of the eye, so you don't have o worry about getting an eye implant because you won't need one.
How will the healing period of Keratopigmentation go?
The Healing period's length of Keratopigmentation surgery depends largely on the health of the eye prior to surgery.
Most patients recover fully in a matter of weeks, provided there are no complications.
Your doctor will give you some pointers for when you can resume normal activities again.
Follow all of your doctor's instructions and call them if you have any questions or concerns.
You will need to go to your follow-up appointments for more tests and check ups so that the doctor determine the level of success of the operation.
You may suffer from a slight scratchiness and blurry vision in the first 24 hours after the surgery; this is completely normal so you will need to have someone drive you home after the surgery is done.
What are the risks of Keratopigmentation?
The procedure is a very good and efficient solution to fixing many of the eyes problems such as blurry vision, double vision and many others.
However, being a medical and cosmetic procedure means that it comes with some potential risks much like any other procedure.
The risks are rare, but they can be a bit serious, your doctor will go over them in much more detail once you have an appointment with them.
Some of those risks are:
- Perforation of the eye.
- Potential blindness.
- Retinal detachment.
- Transmission of blood borne viruses from unsterile equipment.
- Sensitivity to light.
- Nerve damage.
- Adverse reactions to the ink.
- Attaining of the surrounding tissue due to ink migration.
- Bleeding and infection.

The eyes are about the most important part of our bodies; they are the way for us to see the world and experience life and everything that it has to offer, they are the window to our soul.
So when you are facing a problem like a blurry vision or double vision or even want to change the color of your eyes because it esthetically suits you, you will need to have Keratopigmentation in Turkey because it is the safest and most efficient way possible.